Sunday, June 8, 2014

What can we do to fill somebody's bucket?

We had a class discussion about what we can do to fill someone's bucket.
Henry said, "I can give a cuddle".
Heather said, "Say to someone they have pretty hair".
Bruno said, "Ask someone to come and play with me".
Amelie said, "Tell someone they have pretty clothes".
Charlie said, "I can play with Harry".
Emily said, "Ask someone to come and play with me when they are alone".
Maisy said, "Tell someone you love them".
Harry said, "Helping people".
Finn said, "Helping and playing with someone who is alone".


  1. That just filled my bucket :-)
    Annah (Maisy's Mum)

  2. What a lovely bunch of children in Room 1 :) x Nicola (Amelies mum)
